Hitting the reset button…

Taking a breather from the hustle, I’m carving out a quick moment to spill some thoughts on this digital canvas. Wrangling ideas can be a bit of a puzzle, but hey, that’s part of the fun, right? So, let’s dive in and see where this brain dump takes us today.

¿Qué es lo que me hace escribir un blog habiendo tantas pero tantas opciones en la Internet hoy en día? Por lo que se hay cientos de miles de personas que en estos momentos están preparando un nuevo post. Algunos lo harán con buena información otros quizás solo intentarán salirse del aburrimiento, todo es válido en estos días.

Y recordando bien ya había escrito un post hace mucho tiempo atrás acerca de la gente que escribe un blog. Comenzar otra vez es algo que a todos nos pasa, sobretodo a mi, no puedo quedarme en mi zona confort. No quiero, no debo, por muy tentador que sea necesito hacer algo que sea un poco desafiante o interesante.

You know, you’ve got all these thoughts clamoring to be heard, but when you finally open your mouth, it’s like they hit a red light.”

Starting over

You ever feel like your brain’s doing the cha-cha, juggling ideas left and right? It’s a whirlwind up there, like rush hour traffic on a Friday evening. You know, you’ve got all these thoughts clamoring to be heard, but when you finally open your mouth, it’s like they hit a red light. Ever been there?

It’s like a mad dash to the exit, everyone pushing and shoving, and you’re just left in the dust, trying to catch your breath. And by the time you make sense of it all, it’s like the main event slipped out the back door. Talk about a headache, am I right?

Who knows, maybe our paths will cross again down the road, but if not, hey, no sweat off my back.”

Once again

You know, my girl Kiki once mentioned that my mind zooms at such a speed, half my thoughts vanish before I can even jot them down. Maybe she was onto something, or perhaps she just adored me that much to handle my quirks. Anyway, she’s not in the picture anymore, and honestly, with all the uncertainty swirling around, that might be a blessing in disguise.

Who knows, maybe our paths will cross again down the road, but if not, hey, no sweat off my back. I’ve been bouncing back pretty nicely from this battle with lumbosciatica, but let me tell you, it’s been a costly and painfully slow process. So, that’s how my days roll —juggling work, dealing with aches, ticking off my to-dos, and wrestling with these crazy ideas.

Honestly, I’m not one to settle, and I’m trying to make the most of my time.”


So, here’s the deal: I’m not giving up on my idea to kickstart my HVAC company. But here’s the kicker: I don’t want to just settle for that. Since I’m not out in the field right now and doing mostly admin work, I’ve taken on two new projects: building a couple of websites —one for my air conditioning business and another for a friend’s company.

That’s why the title of this post, “Starting Over,” still rings true. Honestly, I’m not one to settle, and I’m trying to make the most of my time. So, while I’m not tied up with other stuff, I figured I’d give my blog some love. Hope you enjoy it!

Meet you at the next entry.

About Fer

I'm the mastermind behind this blog, a passion project I've been cooking up since 2005. So, picture this: calm and collected dude, spilling his creative beans online. Sounds like your cup of tea?

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