Unable to sleep, a night of Enigma

I’ve been unable to sleep for the past two hours, failing to catch a wink of rest. Funny how my mind wanders when sleep jut won’t come

These nights have been tough, with insomnia refusing to let me catch a break no matter how hard I try. Tossing and turning, staring into the dark, and those darn nightmares tagging along for the ride.

So, I decided to drown it all out with some tunes. Enigma was my go-to. There’s just something about their music that hits differently, you know? Takes me back to some good old memories. And when Michael Cretu‘s beats start playing (he’s the genius behind Enigma), it’s like I forget all about sleep. His music just pulls me into a waking dream.

I’m transported back to my teenage days when I proudly owned my first radio with a CD player built right in.”

The unchanging price of music CDs

The sweet nostalgia of “The Rivers of Belief” echoing from Enigma’s ‘MCMXC a.D.‘ album. Instantly, I’m transported back to my teenage days when I proudly owned my first radio with a CD player built right in. It was one of those early models fresh on the market, and that Enigma album? Yep, it was my very first CD.

And you know what? Thinking back, I remember those original albums lining the shelves of music stores would set you back a good twenty bucks. Fast forward to today, and guess what? You’ll still spot newly released albums in stores, going for pretty much the same price. It’s like I mentioned in my previous post – CDs just don’t seem to budge much in price even after they’ve hit the shelves.

The Rivers Of Belief (1990).

It’s wild how one song can instantly transport you back to a specific moment in your life.”


Currently, I’ve got “The Dream Of The Dolphin” from the album “The Cross Of Changes” playing. Isn’t it crazy how music can totally teleport you away through time, isn’t it? It’s wild how one song can instantly transport you back to a specific moment in your life. Listening to this track, I’m suddenly flooded with memories of my younger days.

I was hit with a ton of nostalgia. It’s reminding me of this amazing girl I knew from my English academy days. it wasn’t necessarily a happy memory, those memories aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, but they taught me some valuable lessons. It’s a bit like when you skip a song that brings up negative vibes – sometimes, the best move is to acknowledge a stumble, learn from it, and focus on making things better.

The Dream Of The Dolphin (1993).

Launched me back to a different time, those long, late-night, heart-to-hearts talks with Yoya, this incredible Spanish chica I used to chat with.”


Ah, nostalgia hitting hard! “The Child Of Us” from the “Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!” album just came on, and bam! Launched me back to a different time, those long, late-night, heart-to-hearts talks with Yoya, this incredible Spanish chica I used to chat with. It’s been forever since I last heard from her.

But then, poof! One day, she just went ghost. Since then, I met some other awesome Spanish gals, even had a few dates, but there’s always been this lingering curiosity about Yoya. Never actively went searching for her, tho. Some things just remain mysteries of the universe, I guess.

The Child In Us (1996).

She was pretty picky about who she let into her circle, and our initial interactions lacked that spark of instant connection.”


As I listen to “Gravity Of Love” from “The Screen Behind The Mirror“, it brings back memories of Kiki. Back then, she wasn’t always “Kiki”, that cool, confident nickname came later, and honestly, we didn’t exactly hit it off at first. She was pretty picky about who she let into her circle, and our initial interactions lacked that spark of instant connection.

But over time, something just clicked. Maybe it was a late-night conversation that cracked the code of her initial reserve. And guess what? We became really tight. We had this unique bond, hard to put into words exactly. Unfortunately, like many friendships, things didn’t quite work out during the final year. Maybe it was for the best, who knows?

Gravity Of Love (1999).

But that particular night was different, I had just moved away from Lima, fueled by cheap wine and a bout of the blues.”


There’s this track on the “Voyageur” album that always triggers a memory for me: “Following The Sun.” Let me tell you, my memory’s a bit of a fickle beast sometimes. It’s like my brain decides to throw in a flashback, like an old movie, and there’s my friend Cachetes – Patty, that’s right. What became of her? Does she even remember me or that night all those years ago? I made the rookie mistake of calling her way past bedtime.

We used to spend hours on the phone, burning the midnight oil with our marathon telephone calls. But that particular night was different, I had just moved away from Lima, fueled by cheap wine and a bout of the blues. Patty ended up playing therapist to my drunken ramblings all night long until I mercifully passed out. Needless to say, she wasn’t exactly thrilled with me the next day, right?

Following The Sun (2003).

Can’t deny though, she was a ray of sunshine during those storms. A beacon in the storm, you could say.”


Ah, there’s “Goodbye Milky Way” from “A Posteriori” playing. Blasting me right back to a real low point in my life. I felt like a deflated balloon, a lifeless shell, completely empty. But hey, there’s always a glimmer of light, right? In this case, it was Lily. Absolutely gorgeous, stunning inside and out, she stuck by me through more than anyone deserves.

Here’s the thing, my feelings for her were deep, and honestly, that part probably won’t change. But those dark days, man, the sadness was just too heavy, like a second skin, stronger even than how much I cared about Lily. Can’t deny though, she was a ray of sunshine during those storms. A beacon in the storm, you could say.

Goodbye Milky Way (2006).

Si me dicen que hay una mejor mujer y de más grandes sentimientos que Lily, personalmente no lo creo.”

De no haber tenido esos momentos tan malos quizás hubiera podido ofrecerle todo lo bueno que Ly se merecía. Si llega a parecer que ella hizo un impacto muy fuerte en mi vida, es porque fue así en realidad. Afortunadamente ambos ya dejamos ir esa etapa en nuestras vidas y, al parecer, hemos podido continuar nuestro propio rumbo.

Si me dicen que hay una mejor mujer y de más grandes sentimientos que Lily, personalmente no lo creo. Quizás esto vaya a sonar demasiado cursi, sin embargo de todo corazón espero y deseo que Ly sea inmensamente feliz. Sin ella mis días hubieran sido peores, el hombre que tenga la suerte de acompañarla se lleva un gran tesoro.

De la misma manera, por todo lo transcurrido con ella, Veron es en todo sentido la mujer perfecta para mi.”


Hay una situación extraña con el track “Je T’Aime Till My Dying Day” del álbum “Seven Lives, Many Faces“. A pesar de ser un tema que fue lanzado la década pasada, este me trae varios recuerdos de Verónica. Yo imagino que debe ser a que aún estoy algo nostálgico, por momentos, o es lo que quiero creer.

Ya he relatado que no tengo duda alguna que Lily es la mujer con mejores sentimientos que he conocido. De la misma manera, por todo lo transcurrido con ella, Veron era en todo sentido la mujer perfecta para mi. Cada momento cobró vitalidad e importancia a su lado, eso es algo de lo cual tampoco tengo duda alguna.

Je T’aime Till My Dying Day (2008).

En mis mejores momentos ella estuvo allí, todo lo que pude darle a alguna mujer se lo brindé de corazón”

Hay momentos en que todavia no puedo entiender como es que ella entró y lo revolucionó todo para bien. Su recuerdo siempre es vibrante, verla dormir, sus besos, sus ocurrencias, sus masajes, la forma en que hacíamos el amor. Su olor, las caminatas que dábamos, siempre positiva, siempre sonriendo, siempre haciéndome el hombre más feliz, siempre de la mano.

En mis mejores momentos ella estuvo allí, todo lo que pude darle a alguna mujer se lo brindé de corazón. En ningún otro lugar del mundo me divertí tanto como la primera vez que salímos de fiesta, fue algo inolvidable. Mis días y mis noches con Veron fueron los mejores momentos de mi vida, eso se lo agradeceré siempre.

Es gracioso, años atrás hubiera estado muy mal en estos momentos, sí, Enigma traía penas, esta vez trae eso… recuerdos.”


La vida siempre nos va a deparar momentos buenos y momentos malos, pero ya no hay tristezas, son recuerdos serenos. Este momento es calmado y de cierta manera reconfortante, como si fuese leyendo un libro durante mi noche de insomnio. Es gracioso, años atrás hubiera estado muy mal en estos momentos, sí, Enigma traía penas, esta vez trae eso… recuerdos.

Momentos muy bonitos, como cuando conocí a Giannina en el Británico o cuando tomé de la mano a Kiki. O aquel el pasito duranguense que tan bien bailaba Claudia y yo a duras penas pude llevarle el ritmo. También cuando ví los rizos dorados de Chibi e incluso cuando jugué “pool” con la eslovaca Julia en DC.

No puedo dormir desde hace dos horas y es interesante lo que llego a hacer cuando tengo el sueño trastornado. Incluso escribir en este viejo blog, que lo tengo a la mano y no se porqué no actualizo seguido. Estaba terminando de colocar los temas que fui escuchando cuando, de repente, me doy cuenta. ¡Cortaron la luz! Pffff….

Hasta la próxima entrega.

About Fer

I'm the mastermind behind this blog, a passion project I've been cooking up since 2005. So, picture this: calm and collected dude, spilling his creative beans online. Sounds like your cup of tea?